NEW Find Your Voice course!

Hi and thanks for being here! We are Steve and Rachel. We have devoted our lives to following the call of God, in building His house and the lives of others. Feel free to take a look around to see how we can help you.

Our passion is the local church.

We are part of the team at Soul Church in Norwich, England, with our life-long friends Pastors Jon and Chantel Norman. Each month we are available to serve you by speaking at your Church or Conference, or deliver Coaching and Courses to you and your leaders.

After 30 years of ministry in both Australia and the UK we have a passion to encourage and equip Pastors and leaders.

Our extensive network of like-minded people brings mutual heart connections with other pastors and networks.

Engage with us to preach, teach and bring life to your Church and leadership team

Churches & Conferences

Here’s how we Could serve your church

We can preach and teach

Coaching for Senior Pastors

Deliver training to your leadership team

For a day or a whole weekend

Women’s or men’s events

Coaching from decades of experience in growing church and leaders


Coaching for
Senior Pastors

We normally agree to visit and speak at your church and then meet monthly for coaching and support. You can do this as a couple and/or individually with us.

Typical length of a coaching agreement:
We would typically support you and your church for a two year contract, remotely and in-person.

Remote coaching:
You or your leaders at regular intervals via zoom.

Coaching on
Preaching & Communication:

We'd love to help you develop your skills as a communicator by giving you specific feedback on your messages and help you find your unique voice.

Coaching on Life & Leadership:

You can meet with Steve or Rach online. They will help you identify key strengths and areas of growth, while providing personal and practical support.

Rachel has a particular passion for helping women in leadership and finding your voice.

To find out costs for all coaching options, tap this spinning button

We designed these courses to help  you grow in confidence as a leader and   communicator


Courses we offer:

Passion for Preaching

Starts Friday 18th Oct 2024

10:30 - 11:30am

10 monthly sessions

Early bird cost £299

(offer ends 31st Aug)

Full cost £349

Accelerate course

Starts Thursday 3rd Oct 2024

7:30 - 9pm

15 weekly sessions

Over 2 school terms

Early bird cost £299

(offer ends 31st Aug)

Full cost £349

Find Your Voice Live Course

Starts Friday 4th October 2024

12:00 - 1:15pm

7 weekly sessions

Early bird cost £199

(offer ends 31st Aug)

Full cost £249

Find Your Voice on Demand


Course cost £149


*Payment by instalments available & course discount with coaching packages or if you have attended another course.

More about what courses are like

Most course locations can be:

On Zoom with Steve & Rach
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On Demand via our website
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On Location at your Church

Passion for Preaching course:
If you have a genuine passion to grow to the next level as a communicator, this course is for you. You will hear from us both as well as Ps Robert Fergusson, who has mentored us for over 10 years. This monthly course starts every October and features some of the UK’s most gifted preachers.

Accelerate courses:
We are passionate about investing in you as a leader. You will learn how you can grow in your Personal Leadership, Church Leadership and Preaching & Communication. Accelerate is delivered live over 15 weeks online with Steve & Rach or can be purchased on-demand.

Find Your Voice:
Find Your Voice is for women of all ages and vocations. In this 7 week course, you  will gain clarity and confidence in knowing who you are and what you are called to do; as a woman, a leader and a communicator. Find Your Voice is available live on-line with Rachel or on-demand from January 2024.

Find Your Voice Conference:
This course can also be delivered as a Conference within your local church.

To find out more about courses and how to have them at your church, just tap this spinning button.

Rachel's book is available now on Amazon.

Scroll for more about S&R and courses